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AMS Hospital


My role:

Product Design / Research /  UX Design / Visual Design / Interaction Design

Tool used: 

Figma/Adobe XD/Photoshop

The product:

Redesign the AMS Hospital Mumbai.

Modify the old website and make it more user friendly

Project duration:

This project took 1month to complete

User research:


I conducted interviews and created empathy maps to understand the users I’m
designing for and their needs.

Pain points


Complicated design


No appointment


No detail about facilities


Digital wireframes

Screenshot 2024-04-01 at 5.59.13 PM.png

As the design phase continues I made sure to base screen design feedback and finding from the research user.

Usability study:

STUDY TYPE                                                                                     LOCATION

Unmoderated Usability Study                                                       INDIA: Remote

Mirrored Screen Recording with Voice & Audio                                     

From user's desired location (home, vehicle, etc)


8 total users:

(1) w/ age range 21-28

(2) w/ age range of 29-39

(3) w/ age range of 40-50

Round 1 findings


  1. In Career can apply directly or by email

  2. Book appointment online

  3. News and articles

Round 2 findings


  1. List of Doctors


Screenshot 2024-04-01 at 6.06.38 PM.png


Screenshot 2024-04-01 at 6.08.58 PM.png

The final hi-fi prototype presented cleaner user flows, better scrolling, & more details provided to user when ordering. It also included more recognizable icons.

Screenshot 2024-04-01 at 6.10.15 PM.png

Accessibility considerations


Navigation bar at top  are always present and clickable


Dates in international format for differing languages to read correctly.


All colors easily readable for color blind and macular degeneration



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